Josh’s family came to the Central Valley more than 150 years ago. His great great grandpa settled in Manteca to start a peach farm and raise his family. Along the way, he taught his kids a deep sense of public service and a pride for working the land.

Both of Josh’s grandfathers served in World War II. Decades later, Josh would lead a bill that delivered health care to 30,000 veterans just like his grandfather who suffered from health issues after exposure to Agent Orange.

Josh’s parents met on a mission trip. His Dad is a small business owner and his mom is a volunteer leader at their Church. After having Josh, they adopted his little brother, David, who spent weeks in the hospital when he was born prematurely. Josh’s parents were left with a $2 million medical bill and were only able to pay because his dad had good insurance.

Josh grew up in the Valley raised on faith, family, and hard work. He started as a local paperboy and worked his way through school, graduating from Stanford and Harvard thanks to scholarships from the Rotary Club and American Legion.

Josh decided to run for office when his Republican member of Congress voted to strip health care away from his brother and thousands of folks with pre-existing conditions across the Central Valley. Josh refused to take a dime of corporate PAC money and instead relied on thousands of volunteers to knock on doors to win his race and flip the seat blue.

Josh married his wife, Pam, surrounded by family and friends. They met in school and have a shared love for fostering dogs in their free time.

Today, Josh lives in Tracy with his wife Pam and their newborn daughter Lily. He is dedicated to making the Valley safe and affordable so everyone can live and raise their family here, just like his family has done for generations.

En 2018, el congresista que representaba al distrito de Josh amenazó con quitarles la atención médica a miles de familias en el Valle, incluyendo a la familia de Josh. En ese momento, Josh decidió tomar acción y postularse, pero juró que iba hacerlo de una forma distinta. El se rehusó a recibir dinero de las grandes corporaciones y llevó a cabo una campaña exitosa con la ayuda de voluntarios, tocando en todas las puertas y de esa forma logrando el triunfo demócrata.
Hoy, Josh vive en Tracy con su esposa Pam y sus dos hijas pequeñas Lillian y Karina. Josh trabaja para que el Valle sea un lugar seguro y accesible, para que así, todos puedan vivir y criar a sus familias como su familia lo ha hecho generación tras generación.